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15 Students Expelled From UNIZIK For Robbery, Smoking, Cultism & Result Forgery

Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Akwa, UNIZIK logo
The management of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, UNIZIK have expelled 15 students and suspended another one for a variety of offenses, which include armed robbery, cultism, degree result forgery and phone theft.

The decision to expel and suspend the errant students was taken at the 335th regular management meeting of the university, which held on 19 June.      
The meeting, according to the website of the university, considered the report of the Students’ Disciplinary Committee on the various offenses committed.  

Chief among these were the cases of Ikechukwu Victor Chukwunike of the  Department of Public Administration (Registration No. 2010454694), Ilogbede Somtochukwu of the Department of Civil Engineering (Registration No. 2014224245) and Obiriki Precious Onome of the Department of Computer Science (Registration No. 2011514061), who were alleged to have been involved in and subsequently found culpable for armed robbery.
Equally considered was the case of Obiwulu Chinonso Clement, a Philosophy undergraduate with Registration No. 2013084178, who was alleged to have harassed and robbed people with guns and ax.
Relatedly, the UNIZIK management examined the accusations of stealing, fighting and cultism slammed on Joseph Ikechukwu of the Department of Anatomy (Registration No. 2014704392) and Isinetugo Christopher of the Medical Rehabilitation  Department  (Registration No. 2014624392).
In a similar vein, the meeting considered the allegation of forgery of a degree result brought against Okoye Fidelis Onyebuchi of the Civil Engineering Department (Registration. No. 2003224472) as well as Eze Ifunanya, Okeke Dubem, Ozalla Lawrence and Inegbose Samuel, all of the Department of Business Administration Department with Registration. Nos. 2010454719, 2002423893, 2002422310 and 2002423946 respectively.                        
Also accused of the same offense are Okoye Tochukwu Emmanuel of the Department of Electrical Engineering (Electronic and Telecommunications Option), who bore Registration No. 2010364227; and Obiorah Nwanneka A of the Accountancy Department (Registration No. 201140311).
The management considered the case of Indian hemp consumption brought against Amaka Nkem, a student in the Department of Medical Rehabilitation (Registration No. 2013624272) as well as that of admission racketeering slammed against Unabia Chukwuka of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation/Physiotherapy (Registration No. 2012624106).
Following the consideration of their respective cases, the university management directed that they be immediately expelled from the university. The management equally directed each of them to hand over his/her student's identity card and university property in their possession to the institution's security department. It warned them to completely stay away from the university campus.
In addition to the heavy sanctions for the grave offenders, the management examined the Students’ Disciplinary Committee report on the charges of phone theft brought against Victory Chinedu Mbaegbu of the Department of Science Education (Registration  No. 2013174350) and ordered that he be suspended for two years beginning on April 18.        
Along with the suspension, he was ordered to seek professional help by visiting Professor  Michael Ezenwa for Psychotherapy sessions at the Department of Psychology for counseling.        

This, stated the management, will offer evidence that he has been mended before he could be recalled to continue academic activities. 


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