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NPC Releases List of Registered Applicants for Birth Registration Exercise | Dowload List of All States


The National Population Commission (NPC) has released the list of registered applicants for the 2023 Birth Registration exercise in collaboration UNICEF and National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) To know more about the registration exercise, click the link below:

Recommended: What You Should Know About the Digital Birth Registration Adhoc Recruitment of NPC and UNICEF

birth registration

The NPC has said that the next stage of the recruitment process will involve a screening exercise. The screening exercise will be conducted in each state. The date and time of the screening exercise will be announced on the NPC website.

Also See: How to Apply for NPC Birth Registration Exercise 

The Commission did disclosed that successful candidates will be deployed to various wards across the country to help with the digital birth registration process - which is very important towards making it easier for parents to register the births of their children and to ensure all children in Nigeria have a birth certificate.

List of Registered Applicants for NPC Birth Registration Exercise 

Click on your state to view and download the list below


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